Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 4

I think the Petersfield community is both local and global. It is local because, for one, it is a pretty small town. That affects it in so many ways. For example, local business is a primary part of life. I noticed while there that many houses have tiny shops that sell snacks or ice cream. I doubt that the people selling fruit get it from a factory farm on the other side of the country. They are probably just selling what they grow. The small town mentality of the people in Petersfield is a factor, too. By that, I mean there is always a certain stigma associated with a small town, such as a family-like setting and everyone knows everyone else. I gathered this to be true in Jamaica.

This small local community participates in a global exchange. On a smaller level, the town constantly seems to be working on increasing tourism to Petersfield. This is a small way they engage in the global community. On a larger level, by partnering with groups such as Amizade, the people of Petersfield and Westmoreland receive a cultural exchange experience that the average Jamaican really does not experience. That is, the opportunity to work with and get to know people from entirely different ways of life is a valuable experience. The more people get to know each other and the more people learn about each others' cultures, the closer we come to a more harmonious and meaningful global community.

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