Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 2

A.) I am apart of the Irwin, PA, WVU, Catholic, U-92, American, Greensburg Central Catholic High School, Queen of Angels School, Starbucks, Newman Club, caucasian, and my family communities, among many others. I pretty much chose all of these communities, except for the last two. I think, because of this, my chosen communities both reflect and shape me. We are constantly growing and so are our communities, so I think the community and the participants affect each other.

B.) There are plenty of differences and similarities between Petersfield and home. For example, people in Petersfield walk in the streets and houses aren' t really closed in. That is, theres always a porch thats used as a communal gathering area and windows don't have glass. People call to friends down the street and everyone is okay with blasting music in the neighborhood. Actually, I haven't noticed really any diversity genre-wise in Jamaican music like there is in America. It's mostly reggae here. I've also noticed a lack in police since arriving. Not that there's a lack of security, I think it's just adding to the "chill" nature of Jamaica. At home, everyone is so...private. People aren't as friendly and we lock everyone out of our lives because we'd rather see them on social media sites than in person. I also see similarities to home- the importance of family and community is pretty up front. It's good though that the places are different. Each culture is beautiful and unique in its own way.

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