Saturday, March 24, 2012

Post #2

I stumbled upon this website, and it gave me a pretty good view of Jamaican life and how to act when visiting. It talked about many things, from how to act when first meeting Jamaicans to student life to interpersonal relationships. One thing that really struck me was the taboo section of the website. It said to not talk about politics and homosexuality. I don't know, that's an interesting aspect of the culture that I never though of. It also talked about perceptions of time. I am interested to see how "island time" is going to work - I am excited for the laid back nature of the Jamaicans. To me, the website paints the Jamaicans as relaxed people that enjoy the great things about life. The government seems to be strict, which could also be why people are so relaxed.

My first impression of Jamaica is of course, the beach, reggae, and rasta culture. I know that's not exactly an accurate view of the culture, but it's what I know. I probably have gotten this view through popular American culture. I also know that Jamaica has root in the sugar trade and that current Jamaican culture is formed from the slavery and trade of the past. I honestly have made an active effort to not form any preconceptions of the country. I did this so that I can form my own first-hand opinions of Jamaica. I honestly am so ecstatic to travel to a new country and have a whole new experience.

Honestly, I am not afraid to learn about a new culture. I love trying new things and meeting new people. I cannot wait for my first experience abroad in Jamaica. The only thing I am a little apprehensive about is the airport, of course. However, that really has no effect on the experience in Jamaica. I feel like that goes with the normal happenings of traveling abroad for the first time. I look forward to this incredible experience and complete immersion in another culture.

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